We make art together. Anyone is welcome to join the Flaming Lotus Girls, and everyone has a voice in what we create.
Our sculptures are born through the merging of ideas, skills, visions, and the willingness to do things.
We brought back to BRC the latest evolution of one of our favorite sculptures - Mutopia, our plant beast last seen on playa in 2008. This evolution featured new mutant creatures that glowed in the playa night alongside the fire and kinetic features we love.
Sea of Dreams is an immersive sculptural landscape featuring origami boats bound for a magical island of fiery plants and mystical origami cranes.
Playful, joyful, fiery, and full of light, Serenity is a classic Flaming Lotus Girls sculpture that creates an inclusive and engaging space incorporating fireflies ranging from palm-sized to 6-ft wingspans.
A representation of the interconnectedness of all humans in society through pattern and movement.
The literal beating heart of the Flaming Lotus Girls.
A sculpture of destruction and rebirth.
And giant mushrooms.
A stainless-steel recreation of a classic FLG sculpture, originally one of the stars from The Seven Sisters (2004).
A sculptural embodiment of the structures that give us pitch and balance, combining fire, vibration, and sound to create an experience rich with visceral sensuality.
Soma translates the anatomy of neurons into metal, fire and light, magnifying the microscopic world to an epic scale.
Mutopia is a fiery beast of a sculpture, telling the story of the evolution of a golden spiral of seedpod creatures.
This highly charismatic kinetic sculpture, a skeletal snake coiled around her egg, is much beloved by all who encounter her.
An elegant, abstracted bird rising from the ground tells a story of transformation and rebirth.
A collection of seven sculptures, each representing one of the sisters of the Pleiades.
A 12-foot tall copper sculpture of a woman’s hand that shoots liquid fire from each fingertip.
A collection of primitive art from an era before time.
Get in Touch!
If you want to join FLG, click here. If you want one of our sculptures installed, click here. For any other inquiries, please use this handy form.